Notes from the 9/30/22 Chapter Meeting
- Giacomo chairs, welcomes the room. Agenda here.
- Lynne, out-going chapter chair, speaks.
- Thanks to the chapter members for the work during the pandemic.
- Health and Safety
- Stewards
- Grievance counselors
- Organizing events
- Campus Action Team
- Thanks to the chapter members for the work during the pandemic.
- Roxanne leads the election section
- Lays out the rules and possible scenarios.
- Chapter Chair is first
- Zoe Hu nominated by Giacomo.
- No votes against Zoe, wins unanimously (I think 36 was the number I saw).
- Zoe Hu nominated by Giacomo.
- Alt-Delegates are next
- Joey Van der Naald nominates himself via email.
- 33 for, zero against.
- Alexander Pau-Terkin (sp?) nominated by Giacomo.
- 27 for, zero against.
- Joey Van der Naald nominates himself via email.
- Vice Chair next (recommendation to EC)
- Sofya Aptekar nominates herself.
- 30 for, zero against.
- Sofya Aptekar nominates herself.
- Officer-at-Large last (recommendation to EC)
- Lynne Turner nominates herself.
- 30 for, zero against.
- Lynne Turner nominates herself.
- Student Walkout for Abortion Discussion
- Olivia discusses the event.
- Gerry mentions the events the day-of October 6th
- In the chat, noting the October 15th event at the People’s Forum
- Votes are 45 in favor, zero against.
- Contract info and update from Lynne.
- Perhaps we can ask for her link, because it’s tough to take notes on each item?
- Requests in the chat that the survey results are sent to the chapter, so not just those in attendance can see/people have time to consider them.
- Gerry asks about a town hall and collective demands–how do we make demands other than from this individualized survey?
- Lynne does think there are still ways to influence demands.
- Astrid asks about the organization of the town hall… who? Where?
- On Zoom, but not sure who is organizing it.
- Marc asks about GA demands. How decision-making made (can GAs decide which of their demands are most important)? Will there be reportbacks to GC EC on GA demands as they are bargained?
- Conversations about feedback, getting GAs to articulate what is most important to them.
- Sofya asks in the chat how we can get more people on these committees?
- Sort of seems like we can’t, because central EC doesn’t want to.
- Olivia plugs the GA Platform doc. Email her if you have comments/questions.
- Kamran expressed frustration about the firewall of information from the EC and Bargaining Team to the rest of the members.
- Why are we treated as people to just show up when once in awhile we need an up or down vote? Why the secrecy instead of collective decision-making? Infantilization “You can’t understand how difficult it is to deal with this.”
- Lynne says she is pushing for more openness.
- Jeremy on town hall, and how do we make decisions in the midst of committee overload.
- Giacomo offers his email address if you want to get involved planning the town hall:
- Giacomo talks about the upcoming to the upcoming orientations.
- Evan starts off the conversation re: grievances. Sometimes you can just file a grievance, sometimes you can organize around, and problem-solve even if it’s not a contractual grievance.
- Hannah notes that SPS is particularly problematic. Academic freedom re: course development for online is one, individual’s evaluations is another. At the GC, there are lots of people listing jobs that should be PSC titles for way less (non-unionized) money.
- SPS is “the evil laboratory” where CUNY tries out it’s most egregious work violations
- Hannah notes that SPS is particularly problematic. Academic freedom re: course development for online is one, individual’s evaluations is another. At the GC, there are lots of people listing jobs that should be PSC titles for way less (non-unionized) money.
- Adjournment