Members wishing to submit a resolution for discussion and voting at a chapter meeting shall notify the Graduate Center chapter’s Executive Committee (GC-EC) by email
([email protected]) no later than three days before the date of the chapter meeting, and attach a draft of the resolution and the contact person for the resolution. -
The EC will propose the agenda at the beginning of the chapter meeting, at which point members can move to amend the agenda, including which/how many resolutions will be discussed. The agenda will be changed upon majority vote.
Any PSC member who works at a PSC-GC campus and the GC affiliated campuses, regardless of title, may propose and vote on a resolution.
Due to time constraints, the EC will place no more than 2 resolutions on the upcoming chapter meeting agenda for discussion and voting on a first-come-first-served basis, unless
there is an urgent matter that must be prioritized. If an urgent issue impacting CUNY, the city, the state, or the country, arises fewer than seven days before the chapter meeting, and a member wishes to submit a resolution about that issue, the GC-EC shall be flexible as possible about adapting the meeting agenda to include the resolution. -
The GC-EC will post the draft resolution(s) on the PSC-GC website, and resolutions will be linked to the chapter meeting email announcements.
The member(s) submitting the resolution shall bring hard copies of the resolution to the meeting for all in attendance. If member(s) do not have access to printing, please contact someone on the EC for help.
Discussion and voting on the resolution(s) will ideally be facilitated by someone who can impartially facilitate the entire process from start to finish. The facilitator will not speak for or against the resolution.
Resolutions will pass upon majority vote. Vote shall be conducted within the stated meeting time.
If the chapter meeting does not reach quorum, the resolution should be edited to replace all instances of “the GC chapter” with “members of the chapter assembled” at that particular meeting, and the edited resolution will still be discussed and voted upon.
Chapter members, chapter committees, and the chapter Executive Committee will work to improve this process as needed.
Resolutions passed by members present at the chapter meeting which would affect PSC membership outside of the Graduate Center chapter will be introduced by the Graduate Center EC to the larger PSC-CUNY-wide Delegate Assembly