WHEREAS positions on the Graduate Center (GC) Chapter Executive Committee (EC) of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) should be democratically elected by chapter members;
WHEREAS the PSC Election Rules (VI.C.5) state that vacant offices in the chapter, other than chapter chair, delegates, and alternate delegates, are filled by an election only by the chapter EC;
BE IT RESOLVED that the GC Chapter adopt the following as a “best practice” for filling such vacancies: whenever a position in the GC EC is made vacant between elections, a special ballot election will be held at a GC chapter meeting, in which all (and only) members of the GC chapter can vote, and the winner of said election will then be appointed by the GC EC in an election by the EC;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this special election will take place at the first chapter meeting following a 15 day nomination period and a subsequent 30 day campaigning period;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all candidates will be profiled in an official communication from the GC Chapter sent to all members via email;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the usual rules pertaining to who can run in chapter elections apply to this special election;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution applies to all vacancies in the GC EC, effective September 1, 2018.