Grad Council Meeting

The Graduate Center Elebash Recital Hall

We encourage everyone to attend this Grad Council meeting as there is a lot of important business to cover. You can find the agenda here: Many folks will certainly […]

LGBTQ+ Night at the People’s Pantry

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join us for our weekly warm dinner in the dining commons. Tonight, we will be addressing the onslaught of anti-queer legislation being proposed around the US and how to best […]

CUNY Cross-Campus Organizing Dinner

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join Rank and File Action for a cross-campus organizing dinner at the GC Dining Commons. See here for more info.

France in Flames

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

This Monday, join us for a conversation with Jeanne Chotsky a member of the student collective Le Poing Levé Nanterre and activist with the socialist publication and group Revolution Permanente. […]

CCNY Grade-In

City College North Academic Center, Room 5/225 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY, United States

Show up to support City College composition teachers and to protest the recent decision by their provost to change composition from a 4-credit to a 3-credit class, a decision which […]

CUNY May Day

Students and faculty around CUNY are organizing various actions to demand free education for students and living wages for workers. Check out what's going on near you!

Iftar Dinner

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join us for Iftar dinner, the fast-breaking meal of Muslims observing Ramadan. All are welcome.