Legal and Labor advice at the ASRC for science students

ASRC 85 St Nicholas Terrace, New York, NY, United States

A lawyer from the Doctoral and Graduate Student Council and representatives from the PSC (CUNY's union) will field questions and offer free legal advice to science students on issues such […]

Grad Council Meeting

The Graduate Center Elebash Recital Hall

We encourage everyone to attend this Grad Council meeting as there is a lot of important business to cover. You can find the agenda here: Many folks will certainly […]

LGBTQ+ Night at the People’s Pantry

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join us for our weekly warm dinner in the dining commons. Tonight, we will be addressing the onslaught of anti-queer legislation being proposed around the US and how to best […]

CUNY Cross-Campus Organizing Dinner

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join Rank and File Action for a cross-campus organizing dinner at the GC Dining Commons. See here for more info.

France in Flames

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

This Monday, join us for a conversation with Jeanne Chotsky a member of the student collective Le Poing Levé Nanterre and activist with the socialist publication and group Revolution Permanente. […]

CCNY Grade-In

City College North Academic Center, Room 5/225 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY, United States

Show up to support City College composition teachers and to protest the recent decision by their provost to change composition from a 4-credit to a 3-credit class, a decision which […]