SPH union meeting

There will be a union meeting of the SPH Graduate Center Chapter of the PSC after the Governance Council meeting: Wednesday, December 4, from 3:45 to 5 pm in Room […]

TRS divestment info session

To register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItd-qtqzIsEtNHxHiQC6jX_1fq3Gg86PiT#/

GC Chapter meeting

On Friday, December 6, at 12pm, we will hold a special chapter meeting with a hybrid format. In person in room 5414 at the Graduate Center, with pizza. For remote, […]

SLU PSC Holiday Party

room 1425/1426 With food and drinks! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9196060958 Meeting ID: 919 606 0958

GC PSC Tentative Agreement Town Hall

As you likely know, contract negotiations between the PSC and CUNY have been ongoing for almost two years. Now, we are approaching a critical juncture in the negotiating cycle. A […]

PSC delegation to Amazon picket line

546 Gulf Avenue, Staten Island, NY 546 Gulf Avenue, Staten Island, NY, United States

Amazon workers are on strike, the largest such strike against Amazon in history. PSC members and CUNY students will be joining the Amazon picket line in Staten Island this Sunday […]

SPH LM Prep Meeting

Every semester, we can have up to two labor management meetings. These meetings are an opportunity for us as union members to raise concerns about workplace issues and request information […]

SPH union meeting

You are invited to attend the SPH union meeting on Thursday, February 13, 4-5:30 pm on zoom. We will discuss ongoing concerns about course buyouts, work out of title, as […]