SPH LM Prep Meeting

Every semester, we can have up to two labor management meetings. These meetings are an opportunity for us as union members to raise concerns about workplace issues and request information from the dean and associate deans. Our next labor management meeting is on January 14, at 4pm. All PSC members working at SPH are invited […]

SPH union meeting

You are invited to attend the SPH union meeting on Thursday, February 13, 4-5:30 pm on zoom. We will discuss ongoing concerns about course buyouts, work out of title, as well as the attacks on public health and science and the situation with federal grants. Register at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/Ko6FXyXTTgedhptt9Z8tag

February PSC-wide Delegate Assembly

25 Broadway, 15th Floor, NYC 10004 25 Broadway, 15th Floor

All members are welcome to attend Delegate Assembly meetings but they may need to register in advance; contact a GC delegate for more information. The meetings happen in person at the PSC union hall at 25 Broadway, 15th Floor, NYC 10004 and on zoom. n person there is food available at 5:30pm and the meeting […]

GC Labor Mangement Meeting

All members who work at the Graduate Center as a worksite are welcome to take part in this meeting with GC management. Get in touch with a chapter principal officer […]

Graduate Center Chapter Meeting

Hybrid chapter-wide meeting for all GC chapter job sites. In person in room 5409. On zoom, register here

Academic Freedom, Title VI, and Free Speech

Join panelists Faye Moore (PSC Director of Contract Enforcement), Nick Devyatkin (PSC Director of Legal Affairs), and Tony Alessandrini (PSC Academic Freedom Committee Chair) for a panel on academic freedom, […]

March to Stop the Cuts

Foley Square 111 Worth Street, New York, NY, United States

Join a PSC contingent to demand: NO CUTS TO WORKING PEOPLE TO FUND TAX BREAKS FOR BILLIONAIRES AND CORPORATIONS! We’ll be standing with allies from across the labor movement and […]