Professional Schools and Guttman CC informational picket

25 West 43 Street 25 West 43 Street, New York, NY

One Year without a Contract Picket On the one-year anniversary of our contract expiration, PSC members will hold picket lines and demonstrations on campuses throughout CUNY as the union and […]

Chapter meeting

Chapter meetings are an opportunity to get involved with your union's fight for workplace democracy, fair wages, and a better and more equitable CUNY. They're also an opportunity to bring […]

Chapter meeting

Chapter meetings are an opportunity to get involved with your union's fight for workplace democracy, fair wages, and a better and more equitable CUNY. They're also an opportunity to bring […]

SPH union meeting

There will be a union meeting of the SPH Graduate Center Chapter of the PSC after the Governance Council meeting: Wednesday, December 4, from 3:45 to 5 pm in Room 717.   Tentative agenda Introduction to the PSC Report on Contract Negotiations Preparation for upcoming Labor Management meeting (TBA). All members are welcome!!  Please come with questions […]

TRS divestment info session

To register:

GC Chapter meeting

On Friday, December 6, at 12pm, we will hold a special chapter meeting with a hybrid format. In person in room 5414 at the Graduate Center, with pizza. For remote, […]