November Chapter Meeting (hybrid)

The Graduate Center, room 5414 365 5th Ave, room 5414, New York, NY, United States

Join us for our November chapter meeting, either in-person (room 5414) or on Zoom (register here).

“How to Build a Strikeline” with Rutgers Graduate Workers

The Graduate Center, room 5414 365 5th Ave, room 5414, New York, NY, United States

Join us to hear from Rutgers graduate workers fresh from their strike which led to raises that hit $40k. In-person (room 5414) or on Zoom (register here).

GC Chapter Rally

Outside the GC 365 5th Avenue

Let us know you're coming here

November hybrid Delegate Assembly Meeting

PSC Union Hall 25 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, New York

Non-delegates are welcome either in-person at the union hall or on Zoom (contact a delegate to receive the Zoom link).

Know Your Rights


Learn about your Weingarten Rights, the rights that protect you if you're ever discussing disciplinary action against you! Join via Zoom.

Know Your Rights


Learn about your Weingarten Rights, the rights that protect you if you're ever discussing disciplinary action against you! Join via Zoom.


Join us on Wednesday, November 29 for a "Strikesgiving" potluck! Bring a dish to share if you can (but please still come if you can't!) and we'll talk about how […]

Sing Out Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY

Governor Hochul' Office 633 3rd Ave, New York, New York

Start: 1 PM at Governor Hochul’s NYC Office, 633 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10017 End: 3 PM at CUNY Central, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017 Register […]

Grad Center Chapter union meeting

Meet your fellow CUNY worker. Fight low pay and austerity! Bring a friend! Faculty, staff and grad students welcome. Hybrid: C197 @Grad Center food provided

Professional Schools and Guttman CC informational picket

25 West 43 Street 25 West 43 Street, New York, NY

One Year without a Contract Picket On the one-year anniversary of our contract expiration, PSC members will hold picket lines and demonstrations on campuses throughout CUNY as the union and management meet for the 12th bargaining session. The professional schools and Guttman Community College are picketing together at 12pm in front of the School of […]