PSC Tabling (One Stop)

New Grad Assistants, please stop by our table at One Stop to learn more about your union and sign a union card!

PSC Tabling (One Stop)

New Grad Assistants, please stop by our table at One Stop to learn more about your union and sign a union card!

PSC Tabling (One Stop)

New Grad Assistants, please stop by our table at One Stop to learn more about your union and sign a union card!

Orientation: Your Rights as an Academic Worker

New PhD students are invited to join a conversation on their rights as workers. If you have a funding package that includes a graduate assistantship you are probably a dues payer (and, once you sign a union card, a member!) of the Professional Staff Congress. Join us to learn more!

PSC Legislation Committee Meeting

PSC Headquarters, 15th Floor 61 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, NY, United States

The August meeting of the PSC Legislation Committee. Any PSC member can attend!

PSC Tabling

Lobby, The Graduate Center 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY

Stop by the GC lobby and chat about your union and Graduate Assistant contract demands for the next contract. If you haven't signed a union card, do so!

PSC Tabling

Lobby, The Graduate Center 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY

Stop by the GC lobby and chat about your union and Graduate Assistant contract demands for the next contract. If you haven't signed a union card, do so!

PSC Tabling

Lobby, The Graduate Center 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY

Stop by the GC lobby and chat about your union and Graduate Assistant contract demands for the next contract. If you haven't signed a union card, do so!

PSC Tabling

Stop by the GC lobby and chat about your union and Graduate Assistant contract demands for the next contract. If you haven't signed a union card, do so!

PSC Tabling

Stop by the GC lobby and chat about your union and Graduate Assistant contract demands for the next contract. If you haven't signed a union card, do so!