November hybrid Delegate Assembly Meeting

PSC Union Hall 25 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, New York

Non-delegates are welcome either in-person at the union hall or on Zoom (contact a delegate to receive the Zoom link).

Sing Out Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY

Governor Hochul' Office 633 3rd Ave, New York, New York

Start: 1 PM at Governor Hochul’s NYC Office, 633 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10017 End: 3 PM at CUNY Central, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017 Register […]

PSC delegation to Amazon picket line

546 Gulf Avenue, Staten Island, NY 546 Gulf Avenue, Staten Island, NY, United States

Amazon workers are on strike, the largest such strike against Amazon in history. PSC members and CUNY students will be joining the Amazon picket line in Staten Island this Sunday […]

February PSC-wide Delegate Assembly

25 Broadway, 15th Floor, NYC 10004 25 Broadway, 15th Floor

All members are welcome to attend Delegate Assembly meetings but they may need to register in advance; contact a GC delegate for more information. The meetings happen in person at […]

April PSC-wide Delegate Assembly

All members are welcome to attend Delegate Assembly meetings but they may need to register in advance; contact a GC delegate for more information. The meetings happen in person at […]

May PSC-wide Delegate Assembly

All members are welcome to attend Delegate Assembly meetings but they may need to register in advance; contact a GC delegate for more information. The meetings happen in person at […]

June PSC-wide Delegate Assembly

All members are welcome to attend Delegate Assembly meetings but they may need to register in advance; contact a GC delegate for more information. The meetings happen in person at […]