GC Labor Management Meeting

The Graduate Center

Join us for our next Labor Management Meeting. These meetings are an opportunity to raise ongoing labor issues while also putting pressure on management. Consider attending to voice your concerns and those of your department. 3_3 Agenda The meeting will be held in President Garrell's 8th-floor conference room. Show up to support and put pressure on Management. We […]

GC Chapter Meeting

Register to attend via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkce-orT8sE90rQxBTzfWL_ocbgN3qlG4X

Legal and Labor advice at the ASRC for science students

ASRC 85 St Nicholas Terrace, New York, NY, United States

A lawyer from the Doctoral and Graduate Student Council and representatives from the PSC (CUNY's union) will field questions and offer free legal advice to science students on issues such […]

LGBTQ+ Night at the People’s Pantry

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join us for our weekly warm dinner in the dining commons. Tonight, we will be addressing the onslaught of anti-queer legislation being proposed around the US and how to best […]

Join us at the Rutgers picket lines! (Newark)

Rutgers (Newark Campus) 350 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ, United States

As many of you already know, thousands of workers at Rutgers have gone on strike to demand better wages and working conditions. They face union and strike busting measures from […]

Graduate Center PSC Chapter Meeting


Join us on zoom for our last chapter meeting of the semester. We will discuss our demands, everything that's been going on with the Dining Commons this semester, and how […]

Labor Management Meeting

The Graduate Center-Room 8201.06

Join us for our last labor management meeting of the semester. It's been a tense few months as PSC and Reclaim the Commons organizers have struggled with GC management to […]

Paid Union Orientations

The Graduate Center

New workers can attend one of 3 paid union orientation sessions. See the flyer below for details:

PSC Start of Semester Party

Join comrades old and new to celebrate the start of the semester and our contract campaign here at the GC. Food and drinks will be provided.

November Chapter Meeting (hybrid)

The Graduate Center, room 5414 365 5th Ave, room 5414, New York, NY, United States

Join us for our November chapter meeting, either in-person (room 5414) or on Zoom (register here).