July Chapter Meeting


On Tuesday, July 14, at 12pm, we will be hosting a virtual mass meeting for our chapter. The purpose of the meeting is strategic, to build our collective response to the wide variety of challenges facing Graduate Center chapter campuses and our university. RSVP to slewis@pscmail.org. We will send Zoom details on the day of the […]

Vigil for Lives Lost and Those Threatened

The Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join us as we gather together on Thursday, August 13, 3-4pm to support our colleagues whose health insurance and health have been put at risk by the CUNY management's intransigence. We are gathering in person at The Graduate Center and on Zoom to hold a Vigil for Lives Lost and Those Threatened. We will read […]

PSC Town Hall on the Future of the Graduate Center


The Graduate Center Chapter of our union is rich in organizing power and intellectual energy. On August 19, we are combining both in a unique welcome for our new president. Join us, online, as staff, students, and faculty come together to voice our own concerns, articulate our demands, and demonstrate our solidarity. RSVP here.

Chapter Phone Banking


PSC chapters and organizing staff are coordinating almost daily phone banks as part of the union’s plan to contact all 30,000 CUNY faculty and staff about the campaign to Save Lives, Save Jobs, Save CUNY. One-on-one conversations are how we check in with each other, identify workplace issues and build solidarity. In this time of […]

October Chapter Meeting


At 12pm on Friday, October 2, we will be hosting our first chapter meeting of the semester. Among other subjects, we will discuss workload increases, health insurance, student funding, racial justice, health and safety, budget and funding, and our chapter plan of action including prospects for escalating actions, including strike preparation. RSVP here.

Health Insurance and Funding Working Group

Joint working group meeting of the PSC-GC and Full and Fair Funding to mobilize around demands of health insurance coverage and full funding for all CUNY doctoral students on Thursday, October 22, at 2:30pm. RSVP here.

Graduate Center HEO Chapter Meeting


Join us for a meeting of the Graduate Center HEO chapter to discuss return to work and other pressing issues. Open to all members. RSVP here.

Map the GC

Members are organizing to map the GC. Join us! Register here.

Chapter Phone Banking


We are holding chapter phone banking training and calling sessions on Tuesdays at 5pm. Join us! Register here.