
Urgent call to resist Zionist repression at Hunter

Hunter College admin. have decided to repress the Hunter Nakba Commemoration Event, scheduled for a few hours from now. See here for more details and to send a message standing […]


Graduating students at CUNY Law turn their backs to Adams during his Commencement Speech!

Mayor Adams has consistently increased police funding and cut public education budgets, and other social services, during his short time in office. Graduating CUNY Law students condemned his attacks on […]

Dream Teams

CCNY Dream Team Petition

City College’s Dream Team is fighting for resources and justice for undocumented students. They want to create a center where immigrants can can gather safely and freely to seek guidance […]

May Day News

A May Day to Remember

What a May Day! There were some great events all over the City last week, and CUNY was at the heart of them. Above: students and teachers from Hunter College […]

Reclaim the Commons

Reclaim the Commons in Homo Politicus

Check out the latest issue of Homo Politicus, the GC Political Science Department’s news letter. There’s a piece about Reclaim the Commons that starts on page 10.

Sunset Park

Solidarity to the community of Sunset Park and Plaza Tonatiuh

The PSC-GC is in solidarity with the community of Sunset Park and Plaza Tonatiuh, who have been targeted by New York City Police in recent weeks. Vendors selling food in […]

Writers' Guild Strike

Writers’ Guild Picket Schedule

The Writers’ Guild of America is on strike. Here is their NYC picket schedule. See you on the picket lines!


Rutgers Tentative Agreement

The Rutgers strike ended a couple of weeks ago and the unions have reached a Tentative Agreement with the Administration. Voting was scheduled to end yesterday, May 1. We will […]

Writers' Guild Strike

Writers’ Guild of America on strike!

Hollywood writers went on strike last night, Monday, May 1, after failing to reach an agreement with the television studios. The writers want higher minimum pay and new policies that […]

Reclaim the Commons

People’s Pantry low on funds

Since February, the People’s Pantry has provided much needed nourishment to many members of the GC community. As we near the end of semester, members of the GC community who […]