
Adjunct Data

The PSC recently released data it has collected on how many courses are taught by adjuncts at CUNY each year and how much adjuncts make per 3-credit course.

Throughout the CUNY system, adjuncts teach approximately 22,000 courses a year, making a huge contribution to the university. And yet, the average Adjunct Lecturer, the title that teaches the majority of those courses, is paid only 5,549 dollars for a three-credit course. And we know that the way CUNY calculates adjuncts’ hours currently doesn’t take into account most of the work adjuncts do outside of the classroom, which includes course prep, meeting with students, crafting syllabi and even work performed during breaks between semesters.

Title Three Credit Courses Average Pay for a Three-Credit Course
Adjunct Lecturer 15,701.92 $5,549.39
Adjunct Assistant Professor 7,436.24 $6,060.85
Adjunct Associate Professor 1,430.51 $6,606.93
Adjunct Professor 983.51 $7,270.24
Total 25,552.19 $5,815.11

If you have any questions about this data (or anything to add), please contact [email protected].

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