Attendance: 20+ present in the room, 11 on zoom, representation across multiple titles: graduate workers, HEOs, faculty (library and instructional), post-docs
Issues and concerns expressed
- Science students are paid through three source, and the funding through their professors/advisors sometimes gets decreased when the teaching pay goes up
- Delayed pay, relying on good will of the advisor to get paperwork done – penalties for speaking up
- Getting stipends into the contrac
- exclusion of tuition-only fellows who are ⅓ of doctoral students – funding for all
- Bargaining for the common good
- No lines created to replace retiring GC faculty – workload problem for those who remain and impact on students
- Fulltimer faculty expressed that their priority is adjunct pay over salary steps
- MA students working as RAs outside of the union, with no protections, not professionalized, e.g. Stone Center
- More money has to be demanded for all titles, all titles have experienced a decline in pay in real $ because of inflation in the last 20 years
- NYSHP for all students
Breakout group 1 (pay)
- Pay raises
- Delay in payment, including for international students – caused by lack of staffing in Central
- Why should individuals faculty have power over pay? Science fellow pay should go through the GC
- GC is 2nd least well paid in NY when compared to other schools in the city; “academic sweatshop”
- Funding equity for grad workers
- $53000 as minimal compensation
- Faculty grants should be required to use NTA rates
Conversation about bargaining processes
- A range of concerns about the bargaining process
- Survey as an inadequate tool for building power
- Act on the strike readiness resolution passed last year and build power against management
- Members attending bargaining sessions
- Direct ask of the two bargaining team members present, Lynne and Luke, for
- sharing the time and location of sessions with the chapter
- CUNY administration’s demands
- Minutes from sessions
→ Lynne and Luke respond that they cannot promises this but assure members that “those topics have been brought forward”
- Follow up ask by members to be given a rationale by the bargaining team for such decisions and not to infantilize members
- Bargaining team cannot win a good contract without all of us and ur students
- Call to include BLM demands, CUNY 4Abortion demands, Free CUNY demands
- Why should we trust the process will be more democratic? Hard to motivated for contract when it hasn’t been.
Organizing plans
- Work with DGC and USS, including sharing lists and join events