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Graduate Assistants and Summer Assignments

You can see the PDF of the agreement here: Graduate Assistants Summer 2020 Letter

The text reads as follows:


Dr. Barbara Bowen


Professional Staff Congress/CUNY

61 Broadway, 15th Floor

New York, New York 10006

Dear Dr. Bowen:

I write to confirm our agreement for Summer 2020 to interpret the term “work year” in section 15.3 of the 2017-2023 PSC/CUNY collective bargaining agreement to mean the period from the beginning of the Fall semester to the day after the Spring commencement of each college for the purpose of enforcing the workload provisions contained in section 15.3. Under this interpretation, Graduate Assistants A, B, C, and D are eligible for summer assignments, in addition to the maximum workload provided in section 15.3, subject to the same summer employment limitations that exist for full-time and/or adjunct faculty.

This document is not intended to lessen departments’ discretion in the selection of instructional staff for summer assignments. Aside from making Graduate Assistants eligible for assignments during the summer in addition to the workload prescribed in section 15.3, nothing in this agreement is intended to alter the way in which summer assignments are made, including, but not limited to, the ability to give preference for such assignments to full-time faculty.

CUNY will provide the PSC with the names and teaching assignments of all Graduate Assistants with an appointment to the Graduate Center who accept summer teaching assignments under this agreement so the PSC can monitor the effect of the change.

It is understood that this agreement is in effect for Summer 2020 only, unless the parties agree in writing to its continuation.

Please indicate your agreement by signing on the line provided below. Thank you for your cooperation.


Pamela S. Silverblatt

Vice Chancellor for Labor Relations

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