Tomorrow, August 23rd, is the Graduate Center’s Convocation and New Student Orientation. This year one of the new student workshops will be “Your Rights as an Academic Worker in the PSC,” from 2:30-3:30pm, in room C198*. Chapter members Chloe Asselin and Marc Kagan will be facilitating a discussion on worker rights here at the GC, where most entering PhD students are immediately eligible to be members of the Professional Staff Congress (the union that covers faculty, both full-time and contingent, and staff at CUNY).
Our PSC chapter will also have a table in the Concourse level throughout the day’s activities (starting at around 10am), so stop by, sign your union card, meet your fellow Graduate Center PSCers, and learn more about getting involved with our chapter and the PSC more generally!
Finally, save the date for our chapter’s September 9th New Member Orientation, from 12:30-2:30pm. More details to come.
*New students: C means “Concourse” when in front of a GC room number, so if you see a room listed like our room for tomorrow it means you need to go down to the basement level.