March with the PSC on St. Patty’s Day


Join a PSC contingent in Sunnyside, Queens for an LGBTQ-friendly St. Patrick's Day parade. Folks are meeting at 43rd St. and Skillman Ave.

GC RAFA meeting


Want to get involved in militant Rank and File Action organizing at the GC? Come to our next zoom meeting. Email Giacomo Bianchino for the zoom link.

CUNY Board of Trustees Meeting

CUNY Central 205 E. 42nd Street, New York, NY, United States

This is the first BoT meeting since our contract expired. Let's show up and make some noise. Let CUNY's higher-ups know that they can't expect us to keep working as usual with poverty wages and endless payment problems!

Frantz Fanon Reading Group

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

A group of students and faculty are holding a reading group dedicated to the work of Frantz Fanon. Our first meeting will be this coming Tuesday, there will be some […]

Cross-union march to protect retiree healthcare

Smithsonian Museum (Battery Park)

NYC's Municipal Labor Committee will be voting today on whether to change all public worker retiree healthcare to a private Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan. Tell them not to privatize our […]

People’s Hearing on Racism and Repression at CUNY & NYC

The Graduate Center Proshansky Auditorium 365 5th Ave, New York, United States

Have you and/or your organization been impacted by racist policing, surveillance, austerity, gentrification, repression? Are you tired of the ways in which our public institutions refuse to be held accountable […]

GC Chapter Meeting

Register to attend via Zoom here:

Graduate Council Meeting

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

The Graduate Council is holding its next meeting in the Dining Commons! President Garrell and Provost Everett will be there. Let's pack the space. This administration is failing our community […]

Weekly Potluck + Town Hall

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Join us in the Dining Commons for our weekly community dinner. Tonight, we will be discussing management's failure to respond to any of the demands of the Reclaim the Commons […]