GC Chapter Meeting
Register to attend via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkce-orT8sE90rQxBTzfWL_ocbgN3qlG4X
Register to attend via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkce-orT8sE90rQxBTzfWL_ocbgN3qlG4X
The Graduate Council is holding its next meeting in the Dining Commons! President Garrell and Provost Everett will be there. Let's pack the space. This administration is failing our community […]
Join us in the Dining Commons for our weekly community dinner. Tonight, we will be discussing management's failure to respond to any of the demands of the Reclaim the Commons […]
Join PSC comrades to march over the Brooklyn Bridge in support of the New Deal for CUNY. RSVP here.
Join Dominican activists and members of CUNY for Abortion Rights in a conversation about the struggles for reproductive justice, comprehensive sexual education and LGBTQ rights in NYC, the Dominican Republic, […]
Join us in the Dining Commons for a comradely breakfast conversation with Erica R. Meiners.
A lawyer from the Doctoral and Graduate Student Council and representatives from the PSC (CUNY's union) will field questions and offer free legal advice to science students on issues such […]
We encourage everyone to attend this Grad Council meeting as there is a lot of important business to cover. You can find the agenda here: https://www.gc.cuny.edu/sites/default/files/2023-03/Graduate-Council-Agenda-2023-03-29.pdf. Many folks will certainly […]
Join us for our weekly warm dinner in the dining commons. Tonight, we will be addressing the onslaught of anti-queer legislation being proposed around the US and how to best […]