Mass Online Meeting for All Members of the PSC


The meeting will address the political, economic and racial context of our struggle: the real CUNY budget situation and holding CUNY to their obligation to provide budget transparency; the fight to rehire adjuncts and reduce class sizes; and the urgent need to protect the lives and health of CUNY workers and students during the COVID-19 […]

Health & Safety Watchdogs Bi-Weekly Call


PSC Environmental Health and Safety (PSC EHS), a committee of the Executive Council, serves our members by helping to identify health, safety and environmental issues that could cause problems in […]

PSC Delegate Assembly


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; […]

Chapter Phone Banking


We are holding chapter phone banking training and calling sessions on Tuesdays at 5pm. Join us! Register here.

December Chapter Meeting


Join us for our last chapter meeting of the Fall 2020 term. RSVP here.

PSC Delegate Assembly


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; […]

Chapter Phone Banking


We are holding chapter phone banking training and calling sessions on Tuesdays at 5pm. Join us! Register here.

New Deal for CUNY Launch


Senator Andrew Gounardes and Assemblymember Karines Reyes will join CUNY Rising Alliance groups, including the PSC, at an online press event Friday, February 5 to announce introduction of the New […]

February Chapter Meeting


Join us for the February chapter meeting. The agenda will be posted ASAP. Please register to attend.