Abolishing Policing and Militarism on Campuses (online event)

Join organizers from Critical Resistance’s Abolitionist Educators working group, Cops Off Campus / No Copy City, and Dissenters to talk about strategies and practices for abolishing policing and militarism on campuses. We’ll share a resource for imagining and engaging abolitionist steps in this work. Register here.

May Day Rally

Rally for workers' rights in Brooklyn

Hunter May Day Walkout and Speak-out

Hunter College 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Hunter students and teachers are gathering at 2:30 in front of Hunter West (68th street & Lex) to demand a free CUNY for students and living wages for workers.

Lehman Protest Rally and March

Lehman College 250 Bedford Park Blvd, Bronx, NY, United States

March for a People's CUNY at Lehman College.

May Day (Care not Cuts Rally)

Whitehall R/W Subway Stop

Join students and teachers from around the City to protest austerity cuts to education.  

Tenants’ Rally

Cooper Union 30 Cooper Sq, New York, NY, United States

Herstories: Womyn Creators in Comix & Graphic Novels!

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Wed, May 3, 2023, 6:30pm—8:00pm GC Commons featuring Jennifer Camper, Sara Gómez Woolley, and Sabrina Jones Jennifer Camper’s comics are often dark stories with sly humor and they give voice […]

We Protect Us

The Graduate Center - front steps 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY, United States