Webinar: Unemployment Insurance and the Contingent Academic


Adjunct and graduate assistant employment is precarious in the best of times. As the COVID 19 health crisis continues, both academic and nonacademic jobs for AFT members are being impacted. Please join us for a webinar Friday, May 1st at 3pm EST/noon PST to inform AFT members of the changes to unemployment insurance as it […]

PSC Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body The DA holds open meetings at the union hall each month during the academic year. The DA is comprised of representatives from each of the chapters plus the 27 General Officers of the union who comprise its Executive Council.

PSC Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body The DA holds open meetings at the union hall each month during the academic year. The DA is comprised of representatives from each of the chapters plus the 27 General Officers of the union who comprise its Executive Council.

Fightback Thursday Phone Bank


Join your colleagues on Zoom and make calls to your fellow PSC members to check in with them about how they're doing and connect them to the current work of the union. If you haven't been trained yet to make such calls, there will be an opportunity to do so at the beginning of the […]

July Chapter Meeting


On Tuesday, July 14, at 12pm, we will be hosting a virtual mass meeting for our chapter. The purpose of the meeting is strategic, to build our collective response to […]

Caravans through CUNY Communities

We’re fighting for our jobs and safety, but also for the quality of a CUNY education and the life chances of CUNY students. We’re bringing our next physically distant action […]

PSC Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Special meetings have been scheduled for July and […]

Vigil for Lives Lost and Those Threatened

The Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join us as we gather together on Thursday, August 13, 3-4pm to support our colleagues whose health insurance and health have been put at risk by the CUNY management's intransigence. […]

PSC Town Hall on the Future of the Graduate Center


The Graduate Center Chapter of our union is rich in organizing power and intellectual energy. On August 19, we are combining both in a unique welcome for our new president. […]

PSC Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Special meetings have been scheduled for July and August 2020. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; details are distributed a few days in advance. The DA is comprised of representatives from […]