PSC Activist Training (HEOs)

Come to our first training for PSC activist that is specific to HEOs! Learn about how to have labor conversations with your colleagues, and about HEO provisions in the contract. Location TBD. RSVP to Sam:

Science Fellows Meeting

The Graduate Center - room C197 365 5th Ave, New York, NY, United States

To all Graduate Center Science Fellows: this meeting will be designed just for you to discuss Science Fellow issues. Contact Sam to RSVP.

Deadline for PSC Surveys!

You must fill out your PSC survey (look in your inbox; you should have received an email with a link to it on May 16th) by May 31st at midnight. Each survey link is specific, so members cannot forward their email onto a colleague and have them fill it out that way. So in cases […]

Left Forum

A conference of the Left. Hosted by John Jay.

Free CUNY Strategy Retreat

From their event page: It's time to reflect on a semester of organizing and plan for the next steps in the campaign to make CUNY free again. Join us for […]

Canvassing for Free CUNY

CUNY DSA canvasses for signatures to get the Free CUNY petition on the ballot. Join them at Bartel-Pritchard Square, Brooklyn. From their event page: CUNY DSA is engaging the city in our fight for Free CUNY. With 60,000 signatures, it'll be on the ballot in November! Come join us to help us get the required signatures […]

CUNY DSA General Meeting

The Graduate Center, room 5414 365 5th Ave, room 5414, New York, NY, United States

The June meeting of CUNY Democratic Socialists of America.

PSC Committee for Adjuncts and Part-timers

PSC Headquarters, 16th Floor 61 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Monthly meeting of the Committee for Adjuncts and Part Timers Food will be provided. Please RSVP to Susan DiRaimo at

PSC Legislation Committee Meeting

PSC Headquarters, 15th Floor 61 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, NY, United States

Monthly meeting of the PSC's Legislation Committee.

CUNY for Ethnic Studies – June Meeting

From their event page: OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS, ALUMNI, FACULTY, AND STAFF OF CUNY Join us for our second meeting of CUNY for Ethnic Studies! More information TBA. Help spread the word--bring a friend with you to the meeting! CUNY for Ethnic Studies is a student-led gathering of CUNY students, alumni, faculty, staff, and allies […]