PSC-CUNY Delegate Assembly


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; […]

Teaching Assignment Concerns: A Town Hall


Feeling nervous about the in-person return this semester? Unsure if CUNY will take your health and labor concerns seriously? Many graduate students are. As we receive our teaching assignments, some of us might be given in-person courses even though we have outstanding health concerns; those of us with online assignments may find that our workloads […]

PSC-CUNY Delegate Assembly

The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; […]

February Chapter Meeting


Please register for the first chapter meeting of the Spring semester! Agenda items will include local campus support for the New Deal for CUNY, Spring health and safety issues, election of alternative delegates to the PSC Delegate Assembly, and more. Full agenda to come.

Campus Action Team – Phone Banking


We'll be meeting by Zoom Tuesday evening at 7pm, ahead of a big union-wide demonstration on the first weekend of March, with specific asks for members: sign onto the CUNY Rising Alliance's letter to legislators, commit to attending the March 5 event, and sign up for COPE. Even though our contract isn’t up until next year, […]

Student, Faculty, Staff Higher Ed Action Week


The PSC is working in coalition with the CUNY University Student Senate, NYPIRG, NYSUT, United University Professions and the SUNY Student Assembly to organize three days of online lobby meetings. This will be the second COVID-era version of our annual student-faculty-staff advocacy day. Together, we’ll be calling for dramatic increases in State investments in CUNY […]

Campus Action Team – Phone Banking


We'll be meeting by Zoom on Wednesday evening at 7pm, ahead of a big union-wide demonstration on the first weekend of March, with specific asks for members: sign onto the CUNY Rising Alliance's letter to legislators, commit to attending the March 6 event, and sign up for COPE. Even though our contract isn’t up until […]

Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly is open to any PSC member--contact your chapter chair for a Zoom link if you are not a delegate.

Campus Action Team – Phone Banking


We'll be meeting by Zoom on Wednesday evening at 7pm, ahead of a big union-wide demonstration on the first weekend of March, with specific asks for members: sign onto the CUNY Rising Alliance's letter to legislators, commit to attending the March 6 event, and sign up for COPE. Even though our contract isn’t up until […]

Campus Action Team – Phone Banking


We'll be meeting by Zoom on Wednesday evening at 7pm, ahead of a big union-wide demonstration on the first weekend of March, with specific asks for members: sign onto the CUNY Rising Alliance's letter to legislators, commit to attending the March 6 event, and sign up for COPE. Even though our contract isn’t up until […]