Chapter Meeting


Join us online for our first chapter meeting of the Fall 2021 term. Register here to attend.  

Health & Safety Watchdogs Weekly Call


PSC Environmental Health and Safety (PSC EHS), a committee of the Executive Council, serves our members by helping to identify health, safety and environmental issues that could cause problems in […]

PSC-CUNY Delegate Assembly


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; […]

Chapter Meeting


Save the date for our November chapter meeting! Agenda and registration link is forthcoming

A People’s Budget, A People’s CUNY: March from LaGuardia Community College to CUNY School of Law

LaGuardia Community College 31-10 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City, United States

PSC members, students and CUNY allies will march in Queens for a people’s budget with game-changing state investments in a people’s university. After years of racialized austerity for the public college students of New York City, the Black and brown communities served by CUNY are waiting for Albany to finally put their needs first.  It’s […]

PSC-CUNY Delegate Assembly


The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; contact your Chapter Chair to receive the link (distributed a few days in advance). The DA is comprised of representatives from each of the chapters […]

Teaching Assignment Concerns: A Town Hall


Feeling nervous about the in-person return this semester? Unsure if CUNY will take your health and labor concerns seriously? Many graduate students are. As we receive our teaching assignments, some […]

PSC-CUNY Delegate Assembly

The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. Registration is required to attend the online meetings; contact your Chapter Chair to receive the link (distributed a few days in advance). The DA is comprised of representatives from each of the chapters […]

February Chapter Meeting


Please register for the first chapter meeting of the Spring semester! Agenda items will include local campus support for the New Deal for CUNY, Spring health and safety issues, election […]