Campus Action Team Meeting


Join the Campus Action Team (CAT) as we plan for the contract campaign to come and building power on our campuses. RSVP here.

What Does Union Solidarity Mean for Palestine?


Join the GC PSC chapter for our second event on solidarity with Palestine, examining Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions as a strategy. This event series is implementing the resolution in support […]

Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly is open to any PSC member–contact your chapter chair for a Zoom link if you are not a delegate.

Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly is open to any PSC member–contact your chapter chair for a Zoom link if you are not a delegate.

PSC’s 50th Anniversary Picnic

Prospect Park

Pack a blanket and picnic lunch, bring family and friends, and join our union's celebration of 50 years of labor activism at CUNY! Prospect Park, Grand Army Plaza picnic area, straight past the Endale arch, next to West Dr. RSVP here.

Chapter Meeting


RSVP to attend. View proposed agenda. At this meeting, we will discuss a variety of issues, including recent grievances regarding non-teaching adjunct positions and upcoming contract demands. We will also […]

National Day of Action for Abortion Rights

There will be a student-led walkout at 5pm as part of a nation-wide (including several CUNY campuses) day of action. See CUNY for Abortion Rights for more info. At the September 30th chapter meeting, those assembled voted to endorse the student walkout.

New Employee Union Orientation

New to the Grad Center? Join us to learn more about your union, the Professional Staff Congress/CUNY! RSVP here. New Grad Assistants are entitled to an hour of pay at the non-teaching adjunct rate to attend; new full-time titles are entitled to spend an hour of their normal work week time at orientation.

New Employee Union Orientation

New to the Grad Center? Join us to learn more about your union, the Professional Staff Congress/CUNY! RSVP here. New Grad Assistants are entitled to an hour of pay at the non-teaching adjunct rate to attend; new full-time titles are entitled to spend an hour of their normal work week time at orientation.

New Employee Union Orientation

New to the Grad Center? Join us to learn more about your union, the Professional Staff Congress/CUNY! RSVP here. New Grad Assistants are entitled to an hour of pay at the non-teaching adjunct rate to attend; new full-time titles are entitled to spend an hour of their normal work week time at orientation.