Intercampus organizer Happy Hour

Slattery's Pub 8 East 36 street, New York, United States

Join us at Slattery's Pub in midtown for an organizer happy hour. Meet folks from different campuses, make some new friends, and build solidarity over a few beers! We're meeting at 6:30 pm and will stay as long as people want!

Tabling in the GC Lobby

The Graduate Center

Stop by and say hi to PSC activists in the GC lobby! And get involved!

Tabling in the GC Lobby

The Graduate Center

Stop by and say hi to PSC activists in the GC lobby! And get involved!

International Student Meeting

The Graduate Center--Room 5414

Are you an international student? Have you been underpaid, paid late or not paid at all? Have you had problems with your NYSHIP? Have you had difficulties registering? Chances are […]

Delegate Assembly Meeting


The Delegate Assembly is open to any PSC member–contact your chapter chair for a Zoom link if you are not a delegate. The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body The DA holds open meetings at the union hall each month during the academic year. The DA is comprised of representatives from […]

DGSC End-of-Semester Party

The Graduate Center-Dining Commons

Come to the GC Dining Commons for food, drinks, and music! Socialize with your fellow students, and decompress from a stressful semester. Click here to RSVP.

HEO Chapter Meeting (Zoom)

For any HEOs who may have missed the email, there will be a PSC chapter meeting geared exclusively towards HEO concerns and demands. Please email [email protected] for the zoom link.

Nurses Strike Solidarity Speak Out

Montefiore Moses 111 E 210th St, Bronx, NY

Join striking NYC nurses to show your support! More details here.

Building Rank-and-File Organization under Adams

LGBT Center 208 W 13th Street, Room 310, New York, United States

The Tempest Magazine is hosting an event on building rank-and-file worker power under Mayor Adams's hostile regime.