Tabling in the GC Lobby

Stop by and say hi to PSC activists in the GC lobby! And get involved!

Meeting with comrades from NYU and the New School

Join us in discussing strategies and tactics for grass roots union mobilizing with our comrades at NYU and the New School. This is a zoom meeting. Registration link:  


Join us for potluck-style food and drinks on November 28. See registration details in the flyer below:

Tabling in the GC Lobby

Stop by and say hi to PSC activists in the GC lobby! And get involved!

Tabling in the GC Lobby

Stop by and say hi to PSC activists in the GC lobby! And get involved!

Graduate Center Chapter Meeting

Please attend this important zoom chapter meeting were we will: Continue our discussion of contract demands from GC October town hall notes Develop organizing strategies to build grassroots union power […]

NYC Public Sector Rank and File Assembly

People's Forum (320 W 37th St)

See details and sign up here:

CUNY Board of Trustees Budget Hearing

LaGuardia Community College 31-10 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City, United States

CUNY's Board of Trustees is meeting at LaGuardia Community College to discuss their upcoming budget request from the City and State. Let's pack the hall with union members! You can […]

GC Community Meeting

The Graduate Center

GC president Robin Garrell and Provost Steve Everett are holding an open meeting in the Proshansky Auditorium (concourse level) at the Graduate Center. All are welcome to come and ask […]

Community Meeting Follow-up/Social Event

The Graduate Center--Room 5414

Join us to debrief on what promises to be a very "exciting" community meeting with GC president Robin Garrell! There will be snacks, coffee, union swag, and much commiserating! When: […]