HEO Chapter Meeting (Zoom)
For any HEOs who may have missed the email, there will be a PSC chapter meeting geared exclusively towards HEO concerns and demands. Please email [email protected] for the zoom link.
For any HEOs who may have missed the email, there will be a PSC chapter meeting geared exclusively towards HEO concerns and demands. Please email [email protected] for the zoom link.
Join striking NYC nurses to show your support! More details here.
The Tempest Magazine is hosting an event on building rank-and-file worker power under Mayor Adams's hostile regime.
NYC nurses are on strike, and pickets are happening at multiple locations. Let's show them support from CUNY! See details here.
Show up to support Fordham part-time and non-tenure track workers as they prepare to strike! RSVP here, or just show up. For updates on their contract struggle, check out their […]
The People's Forum is hosting a discussion of Joe Burns's Class Struggle Unionism. All are welcome!
Join a discussion around a series of essays written by student workers, union organizers, and radical scientists about STEM academia. We hope you'll consider attending to gain a better understanding […]
Join us in the GC dining commons on the 8th floor for a potluck and to begin a community food pantry. More details here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HC6f3KdNi-Nl3BrOK2tVvvdsO2NVchNMcfpHsd32esY/edit?usp=sharing
Learn about your rights as a union worker at the School of Professional Studies. Zoom registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkf-2tqT0vG9xcr0Mxfl2w9DUthb9uu339
The PSC leadership have called a special Delegate Assembly meeting to vote on bargaining demands. Show up and tell them what demands you want to see in the next contract! […]