On Friday, December 6, at 12pm, we will hold a special chapter meeting with a hybrid format. In person in room 5414 at the Graduate Center, with pizza.
For remote, register here.
There will only be two items on the agenda:
12-12:15 Check-in for voting members of the GC chapter*
12:15-12:40 Elections for alternate delegates
12:40-1:30 Special session on Academic Freedom
Didn’t we just have elections? Well, it turns out that some of our activists running for office were not eligible, through no fault of their own. So we are reopening nominations. Nominate yourself or another PSC member by emailing Alycia Sellie .
Are you an instructor who is worried that students will report you for something you said in class? Have you heard about Title VI at CUNY but not sure how it affects you? Are you concerned that your private social media posts can affect your job? Tony Alessandrini from the PSC Academic Freedom Committee will share a short presentation followed by a Q&A.
*Who is a member of the chapter? Faculty from our professional schools, GC central line faculty, graduate workers who chose the GC as their chapter.
HEO PSC members vote for their delegate representatives in the HEO chapter, so they cannot vote in our elections but we welcome all HEOs who work in GC chapter campuses to attend and participate in our meetings.