Do you have a PSC (or other labor-related) question? Here are your elected representatives for the Graduate Center chapter (Elected Position, PSC Title, Campus).
Principal Officers
- Chapter Co-Chair: Sofya Aptekar (Associate Professor, SLU)
- Chapter Co-Chair: Evan Rothman (Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Secretary: Alycia Sellie (Associate Professor, GC)
- Grievance Counselor: (currently vacant, contact chapter Principal Officers (POs) or PSC contract enforcement for assistance:
PSC Organizer
Professional Schools Liaison
HEO Advisor
Executive Committee Members
- Sofya Aptekar (Co-Chair+Delegate, Associate Professor, SLU)
- Evan Rothman (Co-Chair+Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Alycia Sellie (Secretary, Delegate, Associate Professor, GC)
- Luisa Borrell (Delegate, Professor, SPH)
- Hanna Goldberg (Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Jean Grassman (Delegate, Professor, SPH)
- Kenya Harris (Delegate, Professor, SPS)
- Marc Kagan (Delegate)
- Jeremy Kane (Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Alexander Pau (Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Claudia Shacter-Dechabert (Delegate, Adjunct Lecturer, SLU)
- Rachel Duff (Alt. Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Helena Najm (Alt. Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Linda Paradiso (Alt. Delegate, Associate Professor, SPS)
- Forrest Pelsue (Alt. Delegate)
- Joe Riccio (Alt. Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Hart Zhang (Alt. Delegate, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Zee Dempster (Welfare Fund, HEO, GC)
- Samina Shahidi (Welfare Fund, HEO, SLU)
- Luke Elliott-Negri (Officer at Large, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Penny Lewis (Officer at Large, Associate Professor, SLU)
- Lynne Turner (Officer at Large, Graduate Assistant, GC)
- Joey van der Naald (Officer at Large, Graduate Assistant, GC)