
October 27, 2022 SLU Union Meeting notes


  1. Labor Management report
  2. Issues report
  3. Health and Safety
  4. Shop steward
  5. PSC contract
  6. Restructuring our PSC chapter 

1) Labor Management report

  • Last LM meeting notes are here: 
  • These are meetings with our union members (both PSC and DC 37) and management. SLU workers are invited to attend these meetings and participate in the planning process. The next prep meeting is Thursday, Nov. 3 12pm. The LM meeting is on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2pm. If you are interested in joining the meeting or have questions, email [email protected] for an orientation.  
  • Report back from two workers on their experience attending for the first time: both were nervous at first but were glad they came, it was beneficial to be there. 
  • Working on having a DC 37 rep coming to SLU union meeting.
  • In the last meeting, management committed to the SLU unit of the Research Foundation being unionized. The Research Foundation currently has only four unionized units. Research Foundation positions at the Leadership Center are not unionized because the City College Research Foundation unit is not unionized. 

2) Issues 

  • Not enough paper towels in the bathrooms
  • No water on the 10th floor
  • Heating/cooling issues on the 10th floor
  • Concern about air filters – they ARE being checked and filters switched on schedule
  • Open work space on the 14th floor creates difficult working condition, not best for serving students. Students wander into workspaces, and the space is not respectful of workers. We need for student traffic to lead towards the area of the writing center. Students have been coming directly to staff work spaces, and a barrier or signage to flow traffic in the other direction is what should be placed by the conference room.

3) Health and Safety

  • We are forming a standing Health and Safety working group to work on these issues between Labor Management meetings. If you are interested in working on this committee, email Maureen [email protected] 
  • Process matters and we’re trying to get away from the non-democratic process of just letting upper admin “fix” the particular issue that’s been raised. We’d rather have democratic input and create a forum where there are different perspectives shared. Connects to our own workplace democracy program! 

4) Shop steward

  • Laura Meltzer is an amazing shop steward but has a demanding full time job in addition to her NTA position at SLU. We need several additional stewards. Email Laura [email protected] if you are interested in supporting fellow workers. No experience necessary. Plenty of support available. 

5) PSC contract

  • PSC contract expires at the end of February 
  • Mass meeting report back, inflation and the need for raises was dealt with positively. Looking to get us away from the process of fighting for contracts that barely keep up with cost of living.  
  • Perennial issues with HEO titles having vague and broad job description
  • Sign up to participate in bargaining sessions 
  • Email Claudia [email protected] to get involved in the Campus Action Committee for our union chapter. Important work organizing an effective contract campaign. 

6) Restructuring our PSC chapter 

  • SLU is part of the Graduate Center chapter of the PSC, along with other “professional schools” like SPH and SPS.
  • There is a proposal to split the professional schools from the GC chapter, creating their own separate chapter. This would ideally help jumpstart organizing in the professional schools, which are not very organized now. 
  • If you are interested in this issue or want to contribute to organizing the other professional schools regardless of what happens with the chapter restructuring, email Penny and Sofya: [email protected], [email protected] 

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