
The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center

The following resolution was passed at our September 25, 2024 GC PSC chapter meeting.

The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center

WHEREAS students, faculty, and staff at the Graduate Center, including the DGSC and PSC, organized for food access on campus by reclaiming the dining commons,

WHEREAS the Graduate Center signed a contract with Alladin Campus Dining that includes non-unionized labor, unaffordable food, and the sale of Starbucks products at 365 Cafe and Bar located in the lobby of the Graduate Center,

WHEREAS Starbucks became the target of an organic boycott campaign by the Palestinian liberation and labor movements following the company’s union-busting lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United over the union’s social media post in solidarity with Palestine,

BE IT RESOLVED that the GC PSC demands the removal of Starbucks products from the Graduate Center,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC calls on the Graduate Center community to honor the boycott of Starbucks products,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC demands free and affordable dining options on campus at all times the building is open,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC stands in solidarity with the food service workers in the building and their right to good working conditions, just compensation, and a fair contract,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC stands in solidarity with Starbucks Workers United and their steadfast solidarity with Palestine.

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