Sunset Park

Solidarity to the community of Sunset Park and Plaza Tonatiuh

The PSC-GC is in solidarity with the community of Sunset Park and Plaza Tonatiuh, who have been targeted by New York City Police in recent weeks. Vendors selling food in the area have faced harassment and physical violence from police, even as the community has rallied around their right to sell food. 

Many members of the PSC-GC and of the CUNY system live in Sunset Park; as a chapter of a union that has issued resolutions calling for the defunding of the NYPD and for the defense of the rights of immigrants in New York City, the PSC-GC condemns the unjust and anti-immigrant police measures taken against the vendors of Plaza Tonatiuh. We call on local and city politicians as well as community leaders to support these vendors and their wider community as they defend their livelihoods and right to public space. 

We also invite members of the Sunset Park community to join us at the Graduate Center for our weekly Wednesday potlucks to connect and organize around common issues. Please email [email protected] for more information. 

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