- Science Bridge Funding
Labor: We have had discussions about finding funding for students in the bench sciences who are forced to leave their labs suddenly — this bridge funding would allow those students to have an income while they look for new lab assignments
Management: We are in support of idea; tax-levy funding would be difficult to find; currently trying to meet with Steve Everett and new dean for sciences to find funding from the RF side.
We would get campuses to buy in, 50 percent GC/50 percent other campuses. Because it’s not tax-levy then we don’t have to worry about the money expiring at the end of every year. Student would adjunct class to retain NYSHIP.
Labor: What about the question of centralizing science funding through a Refund on Appropriations?
Management: There was campus reluctance —campuses see adjunct budgets as fungible dollars; we experienced pushback in 2005 when we started GCF, funded by GC, Central Office and campuses. Grants don’t follow the academic year. First year is most important for non-tuition fellows as that is the year where it’s hardest to get additional work assignments.
Labor: Do you have a timeline?
Management: Hoping to find a solution by end of the academic year.
- Continuation of 2000 payment
Labor: Will the 2000 additional dollar payment be continued onto next year?
Management: Yes. As for surplus, we are giving all surplus to departments to distribute as they see fit.
- Class size and workload
Labor: Former President Joy Connolly was helpful in intervening in situations where graduate students were teaching too much; for example, she intervened when students were teaching three sections. Now students are no longer even allowed to teach three sections as that’s too much. She advocated for us with the provost and with other colleges. Robin Garrell not helpful with this. Want to see if you are willing to intervene in serious situations that we cannot negotiate a solution to.
Management: I’m supportive of this, when I was EO of psychology, many courses were large section sizes – jumbo section; in alternate semester they’d have an easier assignment. Teaching is part of professional development. Negotiated a situation with geography department in Hunter where students are paired – one teaches, one grades and then they flip next semester.
Labor: It would be helpful to Let the EOs know that you support them in intervening in these compliated dynamic between then and campuses
Yes I can bring that to council of EOs meeting
- Title IX processes
Labor: There are concerns about the efficacy of Title IX processes. We would also like an update on whether Jessica Morak, the GC’s Chief Diversity Officer, will have an interim replacement now that she is on maternity leave.
Management: Edith Rivera now serving in that role; reporting hasn’t changed but who is looking at email is different, Jessica will be back a month early. Procedure hasn’t changed.
Labor: When they’re issues on campuses who do grad students go to? Title IX at the GC or on campus?
Management: They can file in either place. If we get a report our title IX officer talks to the one on the other campus, Jessica very experienced investigator. CUNY policy has a very delineated steps. You can also report through CUNY Title IX page. Gets sent to right person.
Labor: After investigation, does Title IX have ability to recommend person involved be disciplined or taken out of a student-facing role?
Management: Up to president to act – Title IX is a factor and makes recommendations.
Labor: Does HR get involved?
Management: HR may assist Title IX in reviewing an employee’s record, seeing if there are similar complaints, providing background.
Labor: What happens if a grad student has a complaint against a professor who is part of faculty both on the external campus and a GC department?
Management: GC wouldn’t know unless campus reaches out, a lot of info is need to know. Student should speak to GC title IX office.
Labor: There was another incident when a faculty member was accused. Because there was no DEI officer, the case got handed to (GC counsel) Lynette Philips – she botched the job, its not what she does. Why wasn’t a DEI officer brought in from another campus?
Management: I’ll file it away, when we have new council will be more equipped
- Contractual NYSHIP money for tuition-only fellows
Labor: There is a recurring amount of $700,000 set aside for giving tuition only fellows health insurance. We check up and never see progress. Can we work collaboratively?
Management: This stipulation came about when two people sat across the table and neither understood the issue – union didn’t and CUNY didn’t, that’s why were here. I don’t know how we begin discussion or with whom. It’s shameful money is sitting there — low hanging fruit. Who do we talk to? Jim and Dorianne?If I go to CUNY central with a proposal I think they’d be in favor. NYSHIP requires you be a student and be paid above a certain threshold. Contractual raises to the Grad D rate have made it more expensive.
Labor: The amount is probably now two million — we want to see end of non-consensual two tier system, reduce pool of students who would need the NYSHIP money.
Management: There was a proposal a while ago to use the funds but were denied. Unclear who rejected it.
Labor: If we draft a proposal would that be helpful?
Management: Yes, that would be helpful.
Labor: If we approach with a proposal vetted by both sides could be helpful.
- Role of PARC in differential and reclassification
Labor: We are under the impression PARC is involved in reviewing applications for reclassification, but in contract that role should be president’s designee and can’t be determined by budgetary concerns. We want clarification; Faye Moore in contract enforcement also sent a letter expressing concern.
Management: If employee nominates themselves it goes to office of LM. If it a manager making a recommendation it goes to PARC to make sure money is there, work with HR and budget office. Once funding source is vetting it goes to HEO committee and then to president. PARC is just a check and balance. Manager first goes to HR, HR gives them guidance. This is promotion and reclassification.
Labor: If employee self nominates it bypasses PARC, but still needs to be approved by president? We need to talk to Faye.
- Fellowship work hours
Labor: There are other kinds of fellowship—like the digital humanities, TLC—where workload higher than for a GAB but pay is almost the same. Also, why can’t a student bank a GAB year when they go on fellowship? Why does that count as them expending one of their GAB years?
Management: The way it works is that state fronts the money and grant pays back the state.
Originally we were giving out grad A – problem was students couldn’t get additional adjunct gig, so we went back to the B and that’s how we wound up where we are. As for banking, when a student takes a fellowship, we use the money from their GAB to give a year of support to tuition only fellows. With tax levy funds we can’t hold over the $ from one year to another but we do re-allocate the money. Don’t have a good answer to workload. We’re trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. Fellowships were invented in another time.
Labor: Is there a grant application that programs with fellowships take on?
Management: Provost office provides some of funding, additional fellowships – NEH, Mellon respond to an RFP. Hard to get more money from Provost, they did receive $ to fund stuff. If its an NEH grant by law it has to go into the Research Foundation, which is manager for all federal grants. Matt and Lisa have been proactive in trying to get outside funding for their work.
- HR response time concern
Labor: We are concerned with the length of time it takes to get responses on NYSHIP related question.
Management: I do talk to all senior staff about people being responsive to emails. We want to make sure we get back to customers quickly.
Labor: We’d like to not get to grievance point.
- Student with no funding in STEM
Labor: A student was accepted into a STEM program with no funding. His boss at CCNY is telling him he can’t keep job next year.
Management: The student can fill out mentor agreement form, find a PI and come up with funding plan.
Labor: Main concern is that it might be hard for him to find someone to be his PI bc its going to cost more.
Management: Yes, you can follow up with me in a week.