This was our dear coworker Rob Callahan’s last PSC meeting. We thank him for his work as a union activist and wish him luck at his new position.
1) Updates and announcements
- Big PSC demo at Board of Trustees on April 1, 3:30-4:30 at City Tech. Issues include contract, adjunct job security, attacks on shared governance, infrastructure, and workplace bullying.
- Research Foundation PSC members at SLU had a meeting last week; Research Foundation initially wouldn’t let SLU folks into the Grad Center field unit contract, now they are saying they will. Central unit voted for strike authorization this past year. Grad Center field unit contract expiring this summer.
- Sign up to attend bargaining to support our bargaining team and see for yourself what happens at the negotiating table.
- Update from our steward and Welfare Fund representative, Samina: planning future brown bags benefit lunches, as well as discussion of PSC HEO professional development grant and other issues.
2) Report back on anti-hate grant
Gladys rescinded acceptance of anti-hate campus climate grant. This happened because folks organized quickly across titles and made strong demands. How do we have a say in what money the school accepts?
3) Labor management planning
Next LM meeting: April 9th, 11-1pm. Management took a month to respond to our demands from last time. They asked us for names of three people to join a committee on space issues. Their response to staff daily attendance is inadequate and disappointing. Punting request for data to Personnel & Budget committee is standard – we need data on our NTA colleagues. We have concerns about the transition of HR director. For the next meeting, some want to add questions about the use of evaluations in 13.3b (certificate of continuing service).
4) Issue-specific breakout rooms
Space: reject the invite to only 3 people – request an open forum next month across departments; ideas on sharing office space with each other; reject attempts to pit us against each other
Health and safety: thermostat issues; barrier; related to space
Contingency: ask P&B committee to request the NTA data that we asked for and then share it; contact NTA colleagues once we get a list of their names; general lack of transparency on budget
Update on ethics and other required trainings: There is a CUNY-wide grievance because these trainings exceed what part-time coworkers get paid to do (and HEOs need to be told what tasks they are NOT doing it while they are doing these proliferating trainings). Hold off doing these trainings unless you are full-time faculty.