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Solidarity with Striking Verizon Workers

The Graduate Center PSC Chapter, the CUNY Adjunct Project, and CUNY Struggle are adopting a Verizon store, the one at Broadway and 34th, for the duration of the Verizon strike! What does that mean? We need members to come walk the picket line with striking Verizon workers in a show of solidarity!

Please consider volunteering for one or more days to join the picket. Our chapter will be out Mondays and Wednesdays, from 5:30-9pm. You can sign-up to let us know what dates you will be coming here at our Eventbrite page. Dates are up through June 1st, but more will be added depending on how long the strike continues; please check back later in the month to see if there are more dates added!

If you are a Verizon customer or potential customer (so pretty much anyone!), please call the appropriate number below to let Verizon know what you think of the treatment that their workers have had to endure.


Hope to see everyone on the picket line!

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